04 július 2011

Cruise trip in pictures / Cruise utazasunk kepekben

The biggest cruise in Singapore was hosting us to Redang island.
Szingapur legnagyobb cruise hajo latott minket vendegul Regand szigeteig.

Majong room

Mike eloszor, masodszor, harmadszor...
Mike first, second and third :)

Vizi Impi

Egyik etkezeskor ugy gondoltuk, hogy itt az ideje "vegyulni" a fedelzeten 98%ban jelenlevo kinai utasokkal. (kinai de nem feltetlenul Kinabol szarmazo utasok)
Igy hat ugy hataroztunk, hogy a kovetkezo etkezesunk a kinai etteremben lesz.
Vagyis ez volt a terv!
A varolista mellett az eloetelnel mar elakadt a lelegztunk, ugyanis csirke lab valamicsoda volt.... majd diszno gyomor valamicsoda....
Harom ev ide, harom ev oda Azsiaban - Mi meg mindig nem eszunk ilyeneket... azert megorokitettem a bevehetetlen falu varat! :)

For one of our meals we decided to "mix" with the locals, mainly Chinese descenders which meant to be a meal in the Chinese Only restaurant. The queuing would not have been the only thing we should have dealt with, but the menu itself. The appetizer was already stating: chicken feet in some shape of form, then pork stomach in some shape of form was ... O-Ooo
Oh 3 years in Asia but still such menu was enough to scare Mike and me away from the restaurant, Western section, here we come!