25 október 2009

Mike's pre-paternity experience

15 október 2009

Sunday, wedding then! Vasarnap, akkor eskuvo!

On the 11th October we were invited to a colleague's wedding. The groom was Steve from Belgium and his fiancee Phen from Indonesia. Here in Singapore we got used to mixed marriages, not to mention that we live in one! :)

But we have all kinds of examples: American with a British Indian, Swedish with Hungarian, Chinese with Canadian Indian (they baby is a complete fun to look at), Norwegian with a Singaporean, Philippine lady with an Afro-American husband, other Hungarian-American couple, guy from Montenegro with a Punjabi Indian Singaporean.... also one of my very best friends in Helsinki, she is Ecuadorian originally and now she is dating an Indian guy.... the world is colorful!!!!

A friend told me, you know in 50 years time there will be more mixed kids in the world than "usual" ones. Well I don't know but certainly that seems to be the ruling tendency here in SG. :)

Anyways All the very best for the married couple!!!!

ps: Their honeymoon will be in Japan, pretty good!

Ok, the explanation of this rabbit face is that couple of days ago we got a sms from a friend saying that our mattress ad is on TV and she saw us. So we jumped in front of the TV and started to follow the "America's next supermodel" program, as were expected the ad being repeated during the commercial break.
Well we did not see ourselves but as we had to watch the show we just got completely puzzled by this girl, she is extremely ..., ahh well not exactly a model type. When her picture came out we were certain she is going to leave the show as the photo is not a big hit as you can see but no NO she stayed in, she will appear on TV next week too. hahaha

So this is Mike's interpretation of her "modeling face".

14 október 2009

Monocle's Most Livable Cities Index 2009

City Country 2008

1 Zürich Switzerland (04)
2 Copenhagen Denmark (01)
3 Tokyo Japan (03)
4 Munich Germany (02)
5 Helsinki Finland (05)
6 Stockholm Sweden (07)
7 Vienna Austria (06)
8 Paris France (10)
9 Melbourne Australia (09)
10 Berlin Germany (14)

Since 2007 the lifestyle magazine Monocle publishes an annual list of livable cities.[3] The list in 2009 was named "The Most Livable Cities Index" and presented 25 top locations for quality of life. The winning city in 2007 was Munich, Germany and the 2008 winner was Copenhagen, Denmark.

Important criteria in this non-scientific survey are safety/crime, international connectivity, climate/sunshine, quality of architecture, public transportation, tolerance, Environmental issues and access to nature, urban design, business conditions, pro active policy developments and medical care.

In the 2009 list the subsequent ranks included Honolulu (11.), Madrid (12.), Sydney (13.), Vancouver (14.), Barcelona (15.), Fukuoka (16.), Oslo (17.), Singapore (18.), Montreal (19.), Auckland (20.), Amsterdam (21.), Kyoto (22.), Hamburg (23.), Geneva (24.), Lisbon (25.).

Odd thing

Most weird happened to us 2 days ago, on Monday I believe. Mike and I were out just 5 min far from our place looking for a food court and we saw a tent, the fabric was white maybe yellow but the look resembled a tent from a distance.

It is 100% residential area, blocks of flats, playing kids, old grandmas ect we were curious what that thing could be but as we passed by we were quickly shaken, it was a funeral!!!!!
In the middle of the building estate!!!!
We saw the white coffin and the the photo of the person and most presumably we could have seen the body as well if we step closer!!!
That was pretty shocking, we heard of Chinese odd ceremonies and I guess here you are.

Egy nagyon kulonos dolog tortent ket napja, azt hiszem hetfo este. Mike-kal epp 5 percnyire voltunk a hazunktol, vacsora utan neztunk, mikor is a tavolbol kirajzolodott valamifele sator elottunk. Kivancsiak voltunk, hogy mi lehet az, de ahogy elhaladtunk mellette igen gyorsan ert minket a hidegzuhany. Egy temetes volt!

A lakotelep kozepen, ugy lent az alagsorban. Lattuk a feher koporsot, az elhunyt kepet es valoszinu, hogy lathattuk volna magat az elhunytat is, ha kozelebb mereszkedunk...?
Sokkolo volt, az az igazsag, mert bar hallottunk mar furi kinai szertartasokrol, de most azt hiszem lattunk is egyet!

05 október 2009

GLOBAL WARMING! / Globalis felmelegedes!

Rise you hand, who has not heard about it?

You hardly find anyone on Earth; this is the new age propaganda.

On this Saturday morning I was on my way to a NUS seminar, I was on the bus when closing up my book I gazed out from the window and an ad came into my view. It was the newest Global Warming "inspiration". I don’t know if it is local invention or international, but...

The whole bus surface was covered with the ad and there were plenty of animals in the pictures ordering you to stop G.B. by becoming vegetarian! On the back of the bus I read the punch line!!!!


Is it really donna stop it? Is there really something to stop?

The reason I pick on this ad, because alerted me. I know everybody knows global warming is caused by CO2 emission ect, yes; this is what I had to learn and accept too! Thanks to Mike, I became critical over mass media and truth is general!

I watched a very well made documentary about G.B. couple of months ago and it blew my mind!!! This documentary interviewed absolute professionals to acknowledge the facts of the cliches we listen to and guess what they dare to say, you are lied to!

In August over at a grill party I met an LA girl whose job was to deal with environmental issues but from the business point of view. I was daring to come up with my newly acquired knowledge, see what she’s say, with the simple question “is G.B. a propaganda (because...) ?” I questioned her whole world, right. The funny thing was she did not even answer to me, just kept on asking me back, and trying to understand me: “do you really dare to think that?!!!? These are serious studies, wow you really dare to....” : )

Crazy world we live in, you question the mass media and you are a freak, hmmm ?! Sold, I think I rather take this than... .

With the documentary you basically you get the hint that G.B is just a HUGE HUGE HUGE propaganda, making millions of $ for those who are behind. I was so disturbed back then, when I first faced with it, I was re-arranging my thoughts for days because of this new point of view, and now seeing this ad, I just totally got frustrated.

Funny enough, last night, Mike just begun to say: Oh did you see some of the new bus ads ---- oh sure yeah!!!!

Well I am not trying to convenience anybody; everyone should go after the truth him/herself, and decide but there is something to dig out, just sayin’!!!!

Happy searching:


*I’d not feel good if I’d not say that documentaries aren’t 100% accurate and not book of Dog, you have to select. We think documentaries are to awake you, make you start thinking!

**Other topics to check on: AIDS – AIDS tests, pharmaceutical companies, evergreen 9/11, Iraq war, banking and debts, African aids, price of the cheap …

***Super size me! – that is a documentary too : )

Globalis felmelegedes!

Tegye fel a kezet az, aki nem hallott rola?

Szerintem alig talalni olyat a Foldon; ez korunk propagandaja.

E szombaton epp uton voltam egy NUS eloadasra, mikor is konyvemet becsukva kibamultam a busz ablakabol, es egy reklam tunt fel. A legujabb Globalis Felmelegedes “sugalmazas”. Nem tudom, hogy ez helyi szulemeny-e vagy nemzetkozi, de minden esetre...

Az egesz buszt betakarta a reklem, egy csomo allat kepe volt fent, amelyek a szoveggel egyutt arra osztonoztek, hogy allitsd meg a globalis felmelegedest azzal, hogy legy vegetarianus. A csattano a busz hatso feluleten volt!!!!

Hus eves stop – Allitsd meg a Globalis Felmelegedest!

Ez tenyleg megallitja? De valojaban van-e valami, amit egyaltalan meg kell, hogy allitsunk?

Az ok, amiert gorcso ala teszem ezt a busz reklamot, az az, hogy annyira megutkoztetett. En tudom, mindenki tudja, hogy a globalis felmelegedes egyik elismert oka a CO2 kibocsatas es a tobbi, igen, korabban en is errol tanultam es ezt hittem! Mike-nak koszonhetoen megtanultam kritikus szemmel merni a tomegmediaban leadott informaciot, az altalanos “igazsagokat”.

Nehany honappal ezelott megneztem egy igen jol elkeszitett dokumentum filmet e temarol es a sarkabol kiforditotta a gondolkodas modomat. A film megszolaltatott abszolut szakmabeli kutatokat, hogy velemenyezzek a koztudott clichéket, lam csak lam, azt mertek mondani, hogy ezek nem igazak!

Augusztusban egy delutani grillezesen talalkoztam egy los angelesi novel, aki kornyezetvedelmi teruleten dolgozik, de az uzleti oldalon tevekenykedik. Elo mertem hozakodni, az akkor, a frissen szerzett tudasommal, hogy lassam, mit szol hozza. Egyszeru kerdesem volt “A globalis felmelegedes igaz, hogy csak egy propaganda (ez es ez folytan...)?”, szimplan megkerdojeleztem az egesz vilagot, amiben o el es mozog. A vicc az, hogy nem is valaszolt, csak azt hajtogatta, hogy te jo eg, en komolyan ezt merem mondani, wao ezek komoly tanulmanyok es en komolyan meg merem kerdojelezni....? : )

Orult egy vilag, ha mast mersz gondolni, mit amit a tomegmedia sugaroz, akkor felnotasnak vagy titulalva?! Legyen, bevallalom...

A film, alapveto indikacio, hogy a globalis felmelegedes egy oriasi, oriasi, oriasi propaganda, tobb milliardos uzlet, amely azoknak kedvez, akik a hatterbol iranyitjak. Eloszor, amikor lattam, annyira felkavart, hogy napokig csak orlodtem a hallottakon, es most latva ezt a busz reklamot, teljesen megrokonyodtem.
Vicces egybeeses, tegnap este Mike pont kerdezte: “ lattad nemelyik buszon az uj reklamot?” – hoo de meg mennyire!!!!

Nem probalok senkit meggyozni, mindenki nezzen az igazsag utan maga, es dontson; a lenyeg, hogy van mi utan kutatni!!!

Boldog keresgelest:


*Nem ereznem jol magamat, ha nem tennem hozza, hogy a dok. filmek sem 100%-ig igazak es nem is szentirasok, szelektalni kell. A dokumentum filmek arra valok, hogy felnyissak az ember szemet es arra osztonozzek, hogy gondolkozzon!

** Egyeb temak, melyeket erdemes feszegetni: AIDS – AIDS vizsgalat, gyogyszergyartok, orokzold 9/11 es iraki haboru, bank es adossagok, afrikai segelyek, mi az ara az olcsonak…

*** A Super Size Me is dokumentum film. : )

02 október 2009

Home made pasta!!!

In the beginning of the week I was finding my way in one of the supermarkets thinking of something to cook. My ambition was to please Mike as he working a lot nowadays.

Tortellini, ahhaaaa! - the answer came

Mike loves pasta but I moderately cook paste for us as I am afraid of the calories. :) (im never gonna change)
Once it can not hurt I thought, I was just about to buy a package of tortellini, buuut I hesitated for a sec and decided, "no, I'm not gonna buy plastic pasta I'm gonna make my own!"

I have never made pasta myself, but Holy Jamie Oliver assured me, it is easy and tastes great, alright I thought 600g flour and 6 eggs, does not sound racket science to me.

I tried the "old fashion" hand kneading for about 5 min and being spoiled with kitchen aids, I turned to our 70kg beast mixer. It was a joke to our industrial mixer and a nice release for me. :)

Dough done, resting in the fridge... 30min later I started the tortellini preparation.

The first ones honestly looked like a gigantic mammoth model compared to the well known supermarket sized brothers but I test boiled one. After tasting it with Mike he assured me, it is worth the effort, labor some more over that dough and we will have a feast soon.
So that is what I did and an hour later, taddddaaaaaa:

A het elejen a kozert elado polcai kozott tenferegtem azon gondolkozva, hogy mit is fozzek. A fejemben az jart, hogy Mike-nak szeretnek elsodlegesen kedvezni, mert mostanaban olyan sokat dolgozik.

Tortellini, ahaaa! - jott is a magatol erthetodo valasz

Mike imad tesztat enni, de csak ovatosan banok en tesztaval, mert felek a benne levo kaloriaktol ( :) nem valtozom)
Egyszer megsem arthat, gondoltam, es mikor epp nyultam volna a a tortellini csomagert, egy pillanatra megalltam es eltokeltem, "en aztan nem veszek holmi bolti muanyag tesztat, majd csinalok magam!" :)

Soha eletemben nem keszitettem meg tesztat, de Szent Jamie Oliverem biztositott afelol, hogy ez konnyu, mint a karikacsapas es finom is, hat rendben van, gondoltam, 600g liszt 6 tojassal nem tunik olyan ordongosnek.

Kiprobaltam a "retro" kezzel gyurt tesztakeszites otletet, majd ugy 5 perc utan elgondolkoztam, hogy en megis csak el vagyok kenyeztetve egy csepp 70kg-os mixerrel... Akkor mirol is beszelunk?
A "szorny" nevre hallgato kis ipari masineria viccnek se vette 600g lisztem altal ele gorditett nehezseget, pafff 5 peric es meg is volt Jamie tesztaja.

A teszta dedergett egy kicsit a hutoben es kb 30 perc utan nekilattam a tortellini keszitesnek.

Az elsok, oszinten akkorak lettek, mint a mammut valtozatai a boltokbol jol ismert testvereiknek, de teszt-foztem az elsot. Miutan elragcsaltuk Mike-kal, o biztositott arrol, hogy nem hiabavalo szorgalom az, amit ez az ebed kivan, csak folytassam.
Tettem is igy es egy oraval kesobb ez lett az eredmeny.

Nostalgy photos

Azon kaptam magamat, hogy 1-2-3 evvel ezelotti kepeinket nezegettem es nemelyiket olyan jonak talaltam, hogy gondoltam egy mini bemutato albumot keszitek. :)

I found myself looking at 1-2-3 years old pictures and I thought some are so nice that I have to prepare a mini photo gallery out of them. :)

My LOVED Anna baby, my sister's first child, who is about 2 years old now. This year she will be 4 in November, but still super cute. :)

Photo I once prepared for Mike as one of the pictures of a X-mas present video.
(Back then Mike's eyes watered when he saw this photo first time while watching my

With Agnes, my older sister in Slovenia on a family vocation.

With Mike in Venice.

Margaret and Michael together in Hungary.

X-mas decoration in the Nest 2007.

We meant to prepare a X-mas video in 2007 for the American part of the family but it never got finished. :)

The favorite animal in the family, he is getting old, 11 years, hmm he is playful and silly though. :)

Ana's visit in Budapest 2008 autumn.

Ana :)