17 február 2011

Karen and Robin

Nehanyan talan felismerik Karen kedves arcat a 2 evvel ezelotti eskuvoi fotokrol, igen O az. Karen volt a tanuk gyongye az eskuvonkon.
Ekkor italozasunk kozepette tanakodtunk kisbabas kerdesekrol, hisz hazasak mar vagyunk, gyerekunk meg nincs...?

Nevetgeltunk akkor, hogy Tigris Kisbabara kell az eroket egyesiteni, mert milyen jol is hangzik az. En magam reszerol tudtam, hogy csak viccelodom, de ahogy a jelek is mutatjak Karen nem viccelt.
Komolyan vette a Tigris Baba projektet es most itt van velunk az 5 honapos, 8kg-os Robin baba.

Some people might recall Karen's cute face from our wedding pictures. Yes, she is the one!
Karen was our talented and supportive witness on our wedding 3 years ago. At that time, she has been married for over 2-3 years but they had no baby. During our drinks we were joking that 2009 was the year of the "Tiger" and how cool it would be to have a Tiger Baby.
I knew that I was joking, myself, but as we can see Karen was serious. She really had a Tiger Baby!!!

He is 5 months old and about 8kgs, very healthy, curious and cute baby boy!

09 február 2011

Sri Lanka III. Chapter ...

(Buddha's)Tooth temple in Kandy

02 február 2011


Moments of the Russian underground... I think some aren't from Russia given that the door has English writing but still it is the underground/subway.

Kepek a moszkvai metrorol... tan par kep nem onnet valo, mert angol felirat van nehol az ajtokon, de megis... ez a metro!