Eloszor is, jelentem levagattam a hajamat, olyan rovid lett, mint mikor ideerkeztunk. Sajnos kenytelen voltam megvalni eletem leghosszabb hajatol, mert oly melegem volt, hogy tolerancia kuszobomet atlepte mar! Vegul is lassuk be, egy tropusi szigeten elunk! : )
Minap epp heti bevasarlasomat inteztem, mikor is eszembe jutott, hogy pont nalam van a fenykepezogepem, es milyen jo alkalom is lenne feltarni az itteni zoldseg-gyumolcs kinalat rejtelmes csodait. Igy kapva kaptam az alkalmon es megorokitettem a valamiert kirivobb darabokat. Sokszor bosszankodom, hogy egyes otthon imadott gyumolcseim kozelebe se megyek, miutan a maradek hajam is kihullik az ar es mennyiseg relacioktol.
Firstly I would like to announce I chopped my hair, my haircut was necessary as the inconvenience of my longest hair ever was far beyond tolerable. Well, frankly we live on a tropical island, right! : )
On one of the day I was doing my regular weekly shopping when I realized that I have my camera on me so finally I can discover the local magical fruit and veggie selection, with regards to extraordinary and / or oddish things. It is quite unfortunate that I can not even consider going closer to some of my beloved home fruits as the asked prices are sometimes making me wonder who can justify paying that much for tiny bit portions? :)
Let's see what we got here... Nezzuk mik vannak itt...
bitter gourd (nincs magyar megfeleloje, de keseru toknek mondhato)
Honestly, I have never dared to put this veggetable into my basket as they say the name is speaking for itself the cucumber size veggie is know to be distinguishly bitter even after cooking, hmm it is a Chinese specialty.
Igazabol, ezt a zoldseget, meg sosem volt batorsagom a kosaramba tenni, mert beszedes a neve, keseru tok, elmondasok szerint igen eros, jol erzodo keseru ize van, meg fozes utan is, hmm kinai specialitas.
Banana flower sounded exotic to me and as there was a friendly looking Indian lady next to me I asked her, how to use it?
She told me to clean it as you clean an ear of corn and inside I will find little "thinkgs" which I should pan fry accompanying with some beans. I picked one up and as it cost 0.70 cents I thought I can risk it.
I followed her instructions and the result was satisfying although what a waste I acknowledged basically you eat/use the tiny baby bananas instead of waited a bit longer and have big nice bananas ...? Maybe I am too earthbounded?!
Banan virag, eleg egzotikusnak hangzott ez nekem elsore, es mivel egy kedves indiai holgy epp ott allt mellettem, hat megszolitottam, hogy "ne tessek haragudni, de hogy kell banan viragot enni?".
Azt mondta, hogy meg kell tisztitani, csakugy, mint egy kukorica csovet es utana a benne talalhato kis "micsodakat" sussem ossze valamifele babbal.
Nos, az eredmeny rendben volt, bar pazarlasnak tartottam, mert hat ha vartak volna a szegeny novenyre, akkor akar szep nagy bananna is serkenhetett volna. Hat lehet, hogy csak en vagyok foldhoz ragadt?!

Drumsticks / Dobutok
Unfortunately I have not learned much about this veggie as the searching pages are all confused with the chicken drumstick names. I tend to see Indians buying it and they always take only one or two of them at once. I assume they use them for their curries somehow.
Sajnos nem sikerult fenyt deritenem erre a kulonos zoldsegfelere, megzavarja a keresot, hogy a csirke alsocombot is igy nevezik. Indiaiak kosaraban lattam eloszeretettel es mindig csak egyet vagy kettot vesznek, gondolom valamifele currybe tehetik.

4 US dollars/kg - 750Ft/kg
It is what it looks : ) / Na ez az, aminek latszik : )
No disturbance in herbs' supply - A fuszernovenyek teren nincs ellatasi hiany
Mangoestineen - garcinia, Mangosztan
Quite nice little fruit, after opening it up, the flash of fruit is white and quite sweet, it is populare among local folks. I don't know why but I am not keen on buying it...?
Eleg kellemes kis gyumolcs, a neve magyarul idegennek hat, a felnyitasa utan, a gyumolcshus kellemes feherkes, igen edes. Nagyon kedvelt a helyi erok koreben, de valahogy magam reszerol nem kaptam ugy ra...?
2 Us$/kg - 400Ft/kg

Tons of apples, the Japanese Fuji apples are unbeatable. 0.5 bucks per each
Tengernyi alma, eddig a japan fuji alma verhetetlennek bizonyult. 100Ft /darab
Dragon fruitAlso nice fruit, in the beginning I was constantly buying it but I recognized that it does not have a really strong taste at all so I kind of neglect it nowadays.
You cut it in the middle with a knife and the inside friut reminds me of kiwi, the texture, the seeds, just less tasty. It is white with little back seeds spread around.
Serkany gyumolcs
Ez is egy kellemes gyumolcs, idekoltozesunkkor igen gyakran vasaroltam, de idokozben rajottem, hogy nincs is annyra kiemelkedo ize. Mostanaban hanyagolom szegenyt, egyebkent kette kell vagni, a beleseje feheres husu gyumolcs sok apro fekete maggal, amik elszortan talalhatoak. Allagra engem leginkabb a kiwire emlekeztet, csak kevesbe jellegzetes izzel.
0.5US$ / each - 100Ft darabja
Pear 1US$/each - Korte 200Ft/darab
GuavaSweet, bit crunchy fruit, quite populare flavour in juices.
Edeskes, kisse kemeny husu gyumolcs, eloszeretettel hasznaljak uditoitalok izesitesekent.
4US dollars/kg - 750Ft/kg
Red jambuPear shaped fruit with waxy skin and crispy flesh similar to the malay apple. Fruit is often juicy, with a subtle sweet taste somewhat resembling a common apple.
Piros jambu
Kortere emlekezteto formaju gyumolcs, viaszos hejjal, a ropogos husa a malaj almara emlekeztet. Gyakran ledus, edeskes, leginkabb az almahoz hasonlithato.
1.5US$/600g - 400Ft/600g
Passion fruitHard outside very soft gelly inside, that is the best I can say, it has tons of seeds, each and every one of them are surrounded by a gelly bag. It has nice odour and tasty flavor.
Golgotavirag gyumolcse
Kemeny kulso retegenhez, lagy, szinte folyos belso tartozik. Tele van maggal, amik mindegyike sajat zseles tokkal van ellatva. Finom illata van es igen markans ize.
1.7UD$/300g - 350Ft/300g
PeachIt is one of those favorites I meantioned that I never buy, it is usually extremely expensive, this picture shows that 2 "weather-beaten" pieces cost 1.4 Dollars...?!
Ez azon gyumolcsok taboraba tartozik, amiket nem fogyasztunk tul gyakran, ugyanis a kepen is lathato, hogy ket szem "viharvert" barack 260Ft-ba kerul...!?
I have never known that there are just about a thousand of different types of mangos, here only 4 are presented. We are big funs of almost all of them.
Ezidaig sosem tudtam, hogy csaknem ezer fele mango letezik, itt csupan 4 lathato. Nagy ranjongoi vagyunk csaknem mindnek.
Tiny, sour and rather expensive 3.8US$/kg.
Kicsi, hitvany, savanykas es eleg draga 730Ft/kg

Something from Mike's home, we all love genetically manipulated products, here is an excellent example, but to be honest it smells nice, looks great and the taste assemble a strawberry. : )
Valami Mike otthonabol, mi mindannyian szeretjuk a genetikailag manipulalt termekeket, ez eppenseggel egy ragyogo peldanya, igazabol, helyen van az illata, csodasan fest es az ize emlekeztet az eperere. :)
4 US$/pack (in season) - 780Ft/ doboz (szezonban)
Pomegranate / Granatalma
4.76US$/kg - 920Ft/kg
My favorite "never dare to touch" fruit is cherry, it is unreal. VERY expensive and you get so little of it. Here 222g (0.48pounds/7.3 oz) costs 3.5UD$. Approximatelly 18 pieces!
A kedvenc "hozza se merj nyulni" gyumolcsom a cseresznye, 680Ft 200g, ugy 18 szem! Hihetetlen!
some more mangos - meg tobb mango

Jack fruit

They like their soya milks... :)
szeretik a szoja tejuket... :)
Joghurt = plastic fantasticSingapore in the world of joghurt is lost, the situation is more than disappointing.
Joghurt = plastic fantastic
A Szingapurnak a joghurtok vilagaban elveszett helye van, igen kiabrandito.
- nagyron cukros
-muanyag izu,
-egy szoval, rossz!

Europaninak nevezett, de a natur joghurtra gondolnak, 1 kg 1000Ft.

Durian concentration, no comment... :( 3.8US$/bar
Durian koncentracio, no comment... :( 730Ft/rud

Plums, 1.5US$/pieceSzilva 160Ft/darab
Peach (nice one) 1.7US$/each
Oszibarack (a normal kinezetu) 330Ft/szem
Blackberry, weekly special only 5.87 US$ / ? amountSzeder, heti akcio, 1130 Ft/ ekkora dobozka

Different size, but still bitter gourd
Mas meretu, de meg mindig bitter gourd
Chees, made of only plasticSajt, kizarolag muanyagbol